Safe Sleeping in a Freshly Painted Room

Interior painting requires a lot of preparation and patience. When the job is done, you just want to take a load off. But there are some precautions you need to take, especially if you’ve just painted in your bedroom. 

So, how much time is enough time when it comes to sleeping in a freshly painted room? 

Our team of Denver painters answer questions like this and more, and give you all the information you need to make a safe decision for you and your family in this blog post. 

When you open up a can of paint, small amounts of certain compounds and common air pollutants like benzene, chloride and other VOCs or “Volatile Organic Compounds” are released. Don’t worry – they’re not permanent, they evaporate gradually as the paint dries. 

But how long exactly do you have to wait for that to happen? 

As we’ve said many times before, each paint job is different. A variety of factors could effect wait times here – for instance, the size of the room, what kind of paint you applied, how many coats you used, and so much more. Our general rule of thumb, however, is to wait about 2-3 days

Certain people are more vulnerable to those lingering traces of VOCs, so you’ll want to be extra cautious if babies or pregnant women normally sleep in the room in question.

Now, how does the type of paint used affect wait times on drying? 

Different paints have different properties, and each one has its own list of pros and cons depending on the project. If we’re looking at drying times, latex paints generally dry quicker than oil-based paints. There are also certain low-VOC paints available, but remember that these paints generally require more coats to get a clean coverage. 

Humidity levels and proper ventilation also come into play when determining drying times. In fact, both of these elements can have a drastic impact on how long it takes for your freshly painted room to be safe for sleep.

To summarize, what are some ways to reduce that amount of time? Use latex or low-VOC paint, and make sure that your space is properly ventilated. 

If you want your next painting project to be a totally worry-free one, you can trust the professionals at Ireland’s Finest Painting Company. Get started with our team by calling today.

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