Exterior Painting in Summer Weather

Exterior Painting in Summer Weather

The hot weather that is typical of Colorado summers can have an impact on that exterior painting project you’ve been thinking about. On the other hand, so can colder temperatures. 

Let’s take a closer look at how heat – or a lack of it – can impact the way paint reacts with surfaces and what you can do to work with the weather so your painting project turns out as good as possible. 

When it gets to be really hot outside, it’s almost impossible for paint to fully dry and adhere to surfaces – especially those exposed to the elements. Paint that never has the chance to fully “cure” and seep into the surfaces of your home will have a harder time standing up to other weather like wind and rain, meaning you’ll have to repaint sooner than you might like to. It’s important to note that humidity plays a huge role in this process – don’t forget to take that into account in addition to the actual temperature. 

It’s also important to remember that the temperature on the thermostat might not accurately portray the temperature of the surface you are applying paint to. Siding can increase the temperature of your house’s exterior substantially, with averages varying from between 10 to 20 degrees depending on sun exposure throughout the day. 

How can you avoid running to problems when the heat index is only climbing?

To make things as easy on yourself as possible, start with the areas of your home that aren’t exposed to direct sunlight throughout the day. If necessary, you can always hold off on more exposed areas until the forecast is more in your favor – nobody wants to risk a heat stroke just for a home makeover. 

In terms of color choices that can cool down the process, think lighter. Not only will these colors reflect the sun instead of absorbing it, but using them will likely keep the exterior of your home cooler in the long term and act as a sort of counterbalance to some of the extra heat your siding gives off. 

Our team at Ireland’s Finest can provide insight when it comes to scheduling, weather preparation and more – not to mention, they have experience working in all kinds of weather. If you’re ready to paint your home, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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