Prepping Your House for Exterior Painting

Prepping Your House for Exterior Painting

Exterior painting is a big part of our schedule once the weather warms up, and now is a great time to think about scheduling a project for the summer. And the good news is, exterior painting is much less intrusive for the client or DIY-er than interior projects. But before you think about applying the first coat of paint, you need to properly prep your house. Here’s what you need to know: 

First of all, you’ll want to stay up-to-date on the forecast. We know that Colorado’s weather can be notoriously erratic, but having a general sense of what days will be clear and comfortable will make your job much easier.

If you’re going to be painting on a sunny day – which is more than likely at this time of year in Denver – it’s also important to stay out of direct sunlight to avoid cracks in your paint. To avoid this, paint any west-facing parts of your property in the morning and wait for the afternoon to work on the east-facing side. 

What’s our ideal forecast? Somewhere between 60 and 85 degrees, little to no wind, and a moderate humidity range of 40 to 70 percent. 

Now that you have the ideal conditions in mind, let’s talk about the rest of your to-do list. 

To prepare your exterior properly, you’ll want to make sure that any damaged areas have been repaired, loose and flaking paint has been scraped away and everything has been sanded down so it’s as smooth as possible. 

Now, it’s time to prime. This step is a big one. Painting without priming the exterior of you home can result in peeling paint, especially in areas that are hit with higher levels of moisture. Plus, any sort of cleaning down the line is more likely to cause fading when surfaces haven’t been properly primed. 

There is nothing like a fresh coat of paint on your house to boost curb appeal or simply give an older home new life. But, it can be costly and time-consuming. 

Our team of painting contractors has been servicing Denver since 1995, and is more than prepared to help you throughout the process – from choosing a color to application and cleanup. 

Contact us today for a free quote. 

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